I use to prepare juices with fruits and vegetables, and every time I ask myself how to reuse the fibrous parts of carrots, beetroots, apples etc. I really love “recycle”… also when I find something old and used, I feel excited when it comes a good idea to use it another time. The same is in the kitchen: all the time I have to discard something for some preparations I think about different ways to “reuse”; it is also a nice exercise to stay in the field of possibilities and be creative in front of a question: “What can I do with this?”.
I don’t have animals or chickens wich would be very satisfied from these food scraps, so I share with you this wonderful idea: just adding some simple ingredients you will cook a vegan and sugar free carrot and beetroot cake… really tasty 😉
group n. 1 (dry ingredients):
- whole wheat flour 8,8 oz
- 2 coffee spoons of baking powder
- shredded coconut 1,4 oz
- a half coffee spoon of vanilla extract
group n. 2 (liquids):
- agave syrup 6,3 oz
- extra virgin olive oil 3,5 oz
- 1 glass of rice drink natural
- juice and peel of an organic orange
- carrots and beetroots: only scraps from juice 3,5 oz
- raisins 2,2 oz
- almond flour 2,8 oz
- Preheat oven 356F.
- Put the grupo n. 1 ingredients in a bowl.
- Make an emulsion with the group n. 2 ingredients.
- Mix group n.1 and group n.2.
- Add carrots and beetroot scraps, raisins and almond flour and mix all together.
- Put the mixture in a cake pan with cooking sheet.
- Cook in oven for the first 15 minutes traditional; then for other 15 minutes fan forced.