Still a nice recipe with the use of gluten free flours…a sweet one. It’s time for these friable cookies with buckwheat and almond flour. I know that almond flour is quite expensive; you can buy almonds and blend them finely with a mixer and get the right amount you need at a lower cost.


  • almonds flour 7,5 oz
  • buckwheat flour 5,2 oz
  • chestnut flour 1,7 oz
  • cornstarch 1,7 oz
  • sunflower margarine 5,2 oz
  • demerara sugar 3,5 oz
  • one pinch of salt


  1. Mix all the ingredients and add 2 tbls of water.
  2. Spread the dough evenly to a thickness of about ½ cm and let it rest in the fridge for about half an hour.
  3. Meanwhile, preheat convection oven to 356 F.
  4. Helping you with a cookie cutter, create discs of about 6/7 cm of diameter,; lay down your cookies on a baking sheet and cook for 8/9 minutes.