It will also happen to you, occasionally, to forget some vegetables at the bottom of the refrigerator drawer, which are not so fresh and crisp as when you bought them. You find them there, in that anonymous paper bag and while you open it, your curiosity mixed with worry, turns into regret … You never have to despair, there are so many ways to reuse and transform something does not seem to have a future ☺ This is one of the simplest way: a fresh juice. Combine carrots, two apples, one lemon and ginger and you will feel gratified, drinking a good and refreshing juice. Happy for being able to give a creative answer to the question: “What am I doing with this?”.
After a period of festivities like the one we have just passed, during which we generally eat a lot of sweet things and we cook traditional rich plates, starting the day with a good extract is very pleasant; my body really need it. If you do not have a juice extractor, you can use a blender, but in this case the juice you get, will keep all the fibers and will have a different consistency; also your body could have a bit more difficulties to assimilate it. I love extracts because they are more pleasent to drink …. But I invite you to try both experiences and choose the one you prefer.
Is it winter? Yes but with an explosion of colors! This is a salad that everybody loves!
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